Get Started

Create a free account

You can start by creating your account on

Get your free Nexai API Key

Login, create a project and get your api key for that project.

Each project has a unique API Key. This key can be visible on your website and is not a secret.

Add your website or documents

You will need to add content to your knowledgebase. This is indexed and creates the information for the AI to "learn" from.

In the project your created go to your knowledgebase documents. Then add either a webpage or upload a document.

Choose your AI Chat integrations

Nexai has specific integrations for Joomla and Wordpress.

  1. Joomla AI Chat Docs
  2. Wordpress AI Chat Docs

There a currently 3 ways to integrate Nexai AI Chat into your custom website.

  1. Use the AI Chat HTML Embed Code
  2. Use the AI Chat React Component
  3. Use the nexai.js library

The HTML embed is the easiest. The React components provide a ShadCN UI to build on. The nexai.js library is the low level library to build any type of AI chat, AI knowledgebase, or AI search.

Choose your AI Search integrations

There a currently 2 ways to integrate Nexai AI Search into your website.

  1. Use the AI Search React Component
  2. Use the nexai.js library

The React components provide a ShadCN UI to build on. The nexai.js library is the low level library to build any type of AI chat, AI knowledgebase, or AI search.

You are good to go!

If you need help chat with us with the Nexai Chat on the bottom right (ensure you include your email).

Our team replies to every chat within 1 day.